A folk song contest, which involved the participation of hundreds of singers from home and abroad, was held at Lianhuayan Scenic Area in Zuoquan county in Shanxi province on Aug 24. Organizers said the contest aimed to pay homage to the heroes who were devoted to the fight against the Japanese aggressors in the 1930s and 40s, showcase local modern development, and promote local tourist attractions. Zuoquan county was named after General Zuo Quan, a senior officer of the Chinese army who died in the county during a battle against the Japanese in 1942. The venue for the event, Lianhuayan, which literally means "lotus-shaped rocks", is an emerging tourist destination in the county. A typical danxia landform, the scenic area's major attractions include lotus-shaped rocks, cave dwellings for ancient people, rich folk culture and a variety of food.
山西路桥:党建引领 建好“四好农村路”山西路桥建设集团党委扎实开展“党建质量提升年”,实施“六大工程”,立足“十四五”高质量、高速度、高效益发展的战略基点,全面提高党建质量和党建引领发展水平,为打造“国内一流的交通基础设施投资、建设、施工现代化企业集团”提供坚强政治保障。
常住人口3491万 山西人口普查数据"出炉"山西省统计局向社会通报山西省第七次全国人口普查主要数据。数据显示,山西省常住人口为34915616人,比2010年(第六次全国人口普查数据,下同)减少2.23%,年平均减少0.23%。山西省常住人口总量减少,主要受人口流动变化等因素影响。