Bogorevich Evgenii
When I came to Shanxi for the first time I was amazed by the nature of this land-the massive mountains on the horizon left a deep first impression.
Mountains have always amazed me with their power because they represent incredible beauty and indescribable scale. I really love the mountains in the province. They remind me of the time when I was studying in Arizona in the United States, where similar mountains surrounded the town in which I lived.
I really like the place where my wife and I are living now. It is the small but cozy and developing city of Jinzhong, which is near the provincial capital of Taiyuan. We love to walk along the streets and parks.
As I get older, I have begun to pay great attention to the surrounding nature. Jinzhong's residents take much care of the environment and they also care about what kind of city they will leave to their descendants. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is an incredible variety of parks with so many trees.
In the fall, our city looks so charming because of the crimson, golden and brown leaves in the trees and underfoot. In spring, Jinzhong turns green and every spot is filled with flowering plants and the fragrant scents of flowers.
Every year, I note that the city is becoming prettier with the caring hands of people who take care and make the city look better.
Jinzhong has a number of universities and I can say with confidence that this is a youthful and active city. But the College of Information and Business of North University of China, where I am working now, deserves a special mention.
It is located in a very picturesque, quiet and peaceful place. Our campus has everything you need for a comfortable life: the canteens with excellent and friendly staff who will always help you; different cafes with dishes for every taste; gardens where you can relax, take a walk and just sit on a bench; and spacious apartments for teachers.
I would also like to mention the big stadium with tracks, basketball courts and a gym-these are especially important for me because I am fond of sports.
I have chosen teaching as my vocation and I understand how important it is to give out the maximum amount of knowledge and pay attention to each student.
I can say for sure that very talented and hardworking young people study here who have a thirst for knowledge. I try to give my students as much knowledge as I can because learning is a very interesting process.
Training and education forms one's life path and professional activity and affects the quality of life itself in the future. Therefore, it is very important to study somewhere comfortable where you can get necessary professional training. Our university is a wonderful place that combines all of these qualities.
As a teacher, it is important for me to have productive interactions not only with my students but with the administration. Thanks to the support of the administration, I feel at home here and this feeling gives me confidence in the future and helps me work productively.
I would like to say special thanks to the university leadership for their security measures during the pandemic. People did their best to protect us from possible problems and took care of our health and quality of life.
I hope that, in the future, I will continue to work here in Shanxi because this province has left an indelible mark on my heart. I have experienced many happy moments here, met interesting people and made many friends, and I will always think of this province with warmth.
The writer is a Russian teaching at the College of Information and Business of North University of China.
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常住人口3491万 山西人口普查数据"出炉"山西省统计局向社会通报山西省第七次全国人口普查主要数据。数据显示,山西省常住人口为34915616人,比2010年(第六次全国人口普查数据,下同)减少2.23%,年平均减少0.23%。山西省常住人口总量减少,主要受人口流动变化等因素影响。