A recreational tourism project is under construction in Wuwangshan village in Jincheng city. NING SHAOXIONG / FOR CHINA DAILY
Catering to the demand of an aging society, tourism operators in Jincheng in the southeast of Shanxi province have recently developed recreational tours for seniors, with many tailor-made facilities and services emerging in the rural and urban areas in the city.
In Xingze village in the city's Qinshui county, an elderly recreational project called "Mountainside Habitat for Seclusive Dragons" immediately became a favorite destination among elderly tourists from Jincheng and the rest of the province after it launched in August.
Gao Junfei, boss of a local lodging business, said all of the 30-plus rooms of his lodge had been booked by tourists for the eight-day National Day and Middle Autumn Festival holiday starting from Oct 1.
"Actually, the occupancy rate of my lodge has been very high since August," Gao added.
The village is at the heart of the Taihang Mountains, and has good air quality featuring a high content of negative oxygen ions, and attractive scenery featuring green mountains and clear waters, said Guo Gaoxin, an official in the village.
Gao added the lodges in the village were designed in the traditional style of old residences but rooms are equipped with modern facilities.
"The convenience brought by the well-equipped lodges is further enhanced by the easier transport as the village is better connected with newly built Taihang No 1 sightseeing highway in its vicinity," said Gao, adding that convenience is a major player in attracting elderly tourists.
Jincheng is a pilot city in Shanxi for developing an integrated tourism industry that combines agricultural and ecological tours, culture, sightseeing and recreation for the elderly, according to the city's officials.
Of its total population of 2.35 million, 380,000 people, or 16 percent, are aged above 60.
To meet the demand of the older adults, Jincheng has developed a number of elderly care and recreational facilities throughout the city.
In the city's Zezhou county, several residential communities have been built for seniors.
The city's Yuyuan Elders' Home is a community with four apartment buildings, a hospital and other elderly care facilities.
"In the community, we are served by a team of professionals including doctors. And nearby parks offer us good venues for relaxing," said Liang Wenying, a resident in the community.
Guo Yanjie contributed to this story.
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