The Hukou Waterfalls is the most spectacular yellow waterfall in the world. LIU GUIMING / FOR CHINA DAILY
When touring the Yellow River,the mother river of China,there is a destination that visitors should not miss.That is the Hukou Waterfalls,a site where people can feel the mighty force of the river.
Located in an area bordering Jixian county in Shanxi province and Yichuan county in Shaanxi province,it is the second-biggest waterfall in China.It is also the most spectacular yellow waterfall in the world.
When the Yellow River flows through the gorges that serve as the border of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces,it becomes torrential as its course is restricted by the gorges and narrows to about 300 meters.
In Hukou,the water course further narrows to about 50 m,falling 30 m into a deep riverbed.The tremendous mass of water strikes the rocks,creating piles of foam,a shroud of mist and a thundering sound that can be heard miles away.
Hukou,which means kettle spout,is so named because the waterfall resembles an enormous kettle spout with rushing water pouring down.
The power of the Hukou Waterfalls'yellow water is tremendous when falling down to a pond in the lower stream,making it difficult for tourists to get close to the main waterfall.Looking from a distance,tourists still can enjoy the vast and gorgeous yellow ocean of mist-covered water.
Smoke from the river,boats on land and rainbows in the sunshine are the three spectacular sights of the Hukou Waterfalls.
In Hukou,the water falls to the deep pond from a relatively high place,stirring the mist which rises high into the air like surging heavy smoke coming out of the river.
Tourists can see various shapes of rainbows formed by the rising mist,refracted by the sunshine from different angles.Sometimes the rainbows are arched,cutting into the river from the sky,and sometimes they are colored ribbons spreading across the river.
The water in Hukou is very torrential,so the boats from the upper reaches must be pulled out of the river and onto the bank when they arrive.These boats will have to detour around this section,carried by trucks or tractors,before they can be put in the river again.
Tourists are usually told that the Hukou Waterfalls is the most gorgeous in summer and autumn when the water volume becomes its largest of the year.
However,Ren Jingyun,a tourism official in Jixian county,said the waterfalls are worth a visit in all seasons.
"In spring when the ice thaws,the icy stalactites fall into the deep pond,"Ren said."In summer and autumn when there is much rainfall,the river rushes and the yellow waves seem to reach the sky.
"In winter,the Hukou Waterfalls gives visitors another new look.On the surface of the silvery ice waterfalls,cool water flows down and little silver icicles hang on the cliffs around the waterfalls.It presents a distinctive natural landscape of the northern region of China."
Zhang Zhigang contributed to this story.
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